Friday, December 24, 2010

Tis the season!

AHHH, its that time of the year again :) 
you know, snow outside the window, warm fussy sweaters, hot chocolate & marshmallows, family relaxing in front of the fireplace, peppermint ice cream, candy-canes, apple pie, busy busy BUSY malls, the whole city decorated in beautiful colorful lights, Christmas music :) 

    welll I think you get the point! Im not Christian, but I love love Christmas time! not so much the Christmas itself, but the feeling that warm homey lovely christmasy feeling. it is a fact that when you give a gift or receive a gift a chemical in your brain is releases that automatically bonds people together and brings happiness. Not only is the person giving or the person receiving experiences this feeling but also simply a person that just sits and witness people giving and receiving gifts feels the same :).......ohhhhhh soo thats why everyone is super duper happy and nice during this season?!? YUP! 

anyhow here are some of my favorite christmas music :) enjoyyyyyy 

1 comment:

  1. HI! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting I really appreciate it, and to be perfectly honest, I am a bit afraid of what I say especially in the last post, it's not really safe to talk about religion that way in Morocco as you probably know, but I think it's worth it. I'm taking the risk for my opinions! ;)
