Saturday, November 27, 2010

The dangers of black henna

Hi lovelies, so as you can see In my henna posts I have a pic of my self with black henna design.
I wanted to warn everyone out there about black henna,

First off let me clear out that I got my black henna in Jama3 el fena, (or how Americans like to call it Djamaa el fena)
and the chemical that makes black-henna dangerous and deadly is PROHIBITED AND ILLEGAL in Jama3 el Fena! yes, Police officer and make sure that the black henna is completly SAFE, if the chemical is found the designer is in big trouble with the law! and would face time behind bars!
this is the ONLY reason I trust having Black henna done.
 This is a henna designer in jama3 el fena square (I got this photo from google)

Havent you heard the news? 
  • if you are an arab women, you probably have heard of people having extreme health problems after applying black henna, and some even die! 
  • recently, a bride in UAE has died from this black henna
  • thousands of women and men have died from it
why is so dangerous about it? 
  • MOST of black henna contain a chemical called PPD (para-Phenylendiamine)
  • PPD is a dye that is used to make the henna past jet black, it also helps the henna stick to the skin more 
  • unlike natural henna that just sticks to the dead skin cells, PPD absorbes INTO your skin which  than goes into your blood, and off it goes to important places such as the kidneys. 
  • once PPD enters your body it will never leave, it there forever 
  • since everyone is diffrent, some people dont see any side effects while others have many complications 
  • although you may not have any side effects now, studies have shown that this chemical builds up with in time and MIGHT haunt you in the future 
  • I did have black henna before, and I am not sure if it contained PPD but I didnt have any side effect YET, but after knowing all this I wish someone would have warned me before. 
  • even though I didnt have any side effects, no one wants to know that they have this deadly chemical swiming in their blood stream right?! and neither do I want to have any side effects when Im older! 
  • soooo having said all this I thinks it is EXTREMELY, important to let all the sisters and brothers out there not to use this so called "black henna" even if the designers says "its safe", for all we know they just care about the money ;)

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