Wednesday, March 21, 2012

my addiction to a book....(A Thousand Splendid Suns review)

When I was in senior year of high school, one of my most looked up to teachers had said to me "You should read A Thousand Splendid Suns". I was extremely happy that SHE the beautiful blond haired, intelligent, bitchy and lets face it-hot English teacher had suggested this to ME out of all students (she saw how much I enjoyed The Kite Runner- Also by the same author). "It is in my top 10 Favorite books, defiantly in the top 3" she continued. That last sentence was all she needed to convince me that I MUST read this book. 

3 years later I found myself in a book store inside a shopping mall in Dubai, U.A.E , as I was walking to the register to pay, "That book" jumped out at me- not literately but you know what I mean....and I just HAD to get it.  I started reading another book and was too lazy to start reading this book...I came back to the US and not till this month that I have decided to start it....and let me tell you I HAVE NEVER read a book faster in my life. I have managed to finish all 448 pages within 4 days. Not just ANY 4 days, actually it was in the week where I had nothing but engineering exams (the week before spring break). How did I do it? I have no idea.

I would stay up later at night (as I was up late anyways to study) just to read it, until my brain can no longer focus that is. I would wake up earlier than I had to and read it. I would read it at work at the office and get annoyed when a client comes by. I was too excited to go to English class since its soooo pointless (and ironically filled with all engineering majored student) just so that I could read during our 50 min. Usually, its 50 min of my life wasted listening to pointless crap, more like hearing pointless crap not listening. I would also walk from class to class my head down reading, friends and strangers poked fun of me of course but I could careless about them, I was too busy trying to figure out Laila's next move in the book. 

 It was just.......uhh! no words can explain how Amazing this book is. I cant get over it....its sooooooooooooo WONDERFUL, CRAZY, SAD, CAPTURING, EMOTIONAL, SPECTACULAR, and most of all ADDICTIVE. I can go on forever about it, but I defiantly suggest it to all of you out there.
Khaled Hosseini is a genius....I cant wait till he comes out with more and more books! im getting excited just thinking about it. 

WARNING: (if you read this book)
  • You willl cry like a baby.
  • You will laugh. 
  • You will smile.
  • You will get extremely angry at times- sometimes even at the author of the book.
  • You will think about the characters everywhere you go. 

Unless you are a cold-hearted bitch with an ice cube in the place of your heart. You might want to consider the warnings above ;)

hope all of you are doing well!


  1. Thank you for that i was looking for a new book to read i think this is in my next list :D great review! <3

  2. I have it on my phone and started reading it, after this I wilk get back to it (after the exams lol) :)
