Saturday, December 25, 2010

How to grow long nails!

Okay so I've gotten A LOT of questions about my nails. 
the most common is "are those your real nails?" which usually follows with "How did your nails to be that long? mine NEVER grow that long" 
the answer is YES! they are my real nails. 

The story to growing my nails.....
When I was in Morocco this summer I decided I wanted a little length to my nails since I always cut them off. but one thing I hated was having dirty nails. so everytime I washed my hands I used an old toothbrush to keep them clean. I would scrub the toothbrush in a soab bar and that scrub my nails!
what I didnt know was there is a chemical in toothpast that actually helps your nails grow faster and longer, and yes I have used that toothbrush so im sure it contained some of the toothpast left.
and before I knew it, not only were they clean but my nails started to gradually get longer.

how to grow healthy long nails......
  • SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB!!!! - yes! this is a fact scrub and wash your hands every change possible. you can use a nail brush or an old toothbrush.
  • DO NOT bite your nails! please dont do it, not only is it dissgusting but you nails look like crap! 
  • Once they started to grow, to avoid breaking file them. you may be tempted to get them longer  but trust me, if you dont file them down they will break. filing your nails helps them grow stronger.
  • Watch your overall health. the healthier you are the better your skin will look, the longer and healthier your nails and hair will grow! 
  • Little things like this DO matter to the overall beauty :) 

My nails......

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